Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Upsy Daisy Birthday Card for Sis!

This is the birthday card I made for my sister whose Birthday was last week. I used one of her favourite stamp sets from the new cattie - I was about to buy it when I was placing my very first order for the new cattie when she said she'd buy it and let me use it at my workshops, that way she wouldn't feel guilty using it all the time :o).

This card was sort of made last minute and as my poor brain was a bit frazzled, I went on the good old net to get some inspiration and found a lovely card made by the lovely and talented Claire Daly (see the link to Claire's website in the side bar) - I'm hoping to catch up the Claire at Convention this weekend. I loved the colours and layout that Claire had used for her Upsy daisy card so I created my version of it.

If you would like to know what I used leave a message and I let you know!

Lynda xo

Where does the time go????????

Hi ya all !!!

Yes I'm back here in the land of blog at long last - have been meaning to get here for the last couple of weeks but there is never enough hours in the day at the moment!
What's happened since our last catch up (apart from the usual - working full-time, the usual chores around here, doing workshops and playing ball or Santa to Bell (will post a photo soon of her with her Santas) I hear you ask? Well SU!'s new cattie landed here in the land of Oz and have to say I absolutely LOOOOVVVVE IT!!!!!!!!!! Also had my open house a couple of weeks back to welcome it here and everyone had a great time.
I've also been madly trying to get my swaps done for our Aussie Convention which is this weekend in chilly Canberra - compared to the beautiful weather (29 degrees C) we've been having here in Perth lately, I think my poor little toosh is going to freeze - finished them all yesterday. But have to admit had some help from some stamping addict members of my family - mum, Aunty Margaret and my cousin Narelle :o) - had a stamping day here at home on the Easter Monday which turned into a happy day for me as my new cattie order was delivered by my lovely Aussie Parcel Post delivery lady (was so not expecting it to turn up until either the next day or the Wednesday after the long easter break as it takes at least a week to get here in Perth from Sydney and normally longer if there is long weekend thrown into the mix). So you can just picture me doing a few little jiggy dances when I realised what was here and after I opened up my boxes!
Also caught up with members of my family over Easter and last weekend remembered the diggers/soldiers who fought (and in many cases lost their lives) at war during our ANZAC Day (similar to Veterans Day in the US).
Anyway better go - will be back soon with some cards I've done recently.
Take care
Lynda xo